Lasergran is committed to a proactive and continuous strategy that establishes systems, processes and actions to satisfy specific needs. It includes a continuous improvement of processes and the implementation of its own quality management system based on the UNE-EN ISO 9001 standard.
We have a Quality Department that is in charge of verifying compliance with the company’s policy and adapting and applying the standards to the specific conditions of the products we produce, also ensuring that the criteria for proper supervision and control are implemented.
Quality Management System UNE-EN ISO 9001
Lasergran has implemented a quality management system as a strategic decision to improve its overall performance and provide a solid foundation for sustainable development initiatives. The benefits offered by this effective system are:
- Improve customer satisfaction.
- Improve process integration.
- Maintain a culture of continuous improvement.
- Minimize rejects and incidents in production.
- Greater operational efficiency.
Environmental Management System UNE-EN ISO 14001
Lasergran considers commitment to the environment essential to meet the needs of the present without jeopardizing the capacity of future generations. Therefore, our objective is sustainable development through the implementation of our environmental management system based on the requirements of UNE-EN ISO 14001.
Safety and Health at Work System ISO 45001
The application of the ISO 45001 standard helps us to identify, prioritize and manage health and safety at work as part of our normal business practices. The standard allows us to establish, maintain and improve this management system.
Steel and Aluminium Structures Execution UNE-EN 1090-1
Lasergran is certified for the CE Marking of structural steel components in accordance with the EXC1, EXC2, EXC3 and EXC4 execution classes depending on the use of the structure, the type of stresses it supports and the materials it is made of.
Lasergran complies with the requirements defined in the UNE-EN 1090-2 standard for the EXC4 execution class, checking the capacity of the laser thermal cutting process by evaluating the quality of the cut surface (perpendicularity, roughness and hardness).
Welding of railway vehicles and components UNE-EN 15085-2
Lasergran has certification for welding of metallic materials for the manufacture, modification and testing of welded railway vehicles and components (including spare parts) applicable to all assemblies, subassemblies or welded parts in accordance with classification level CL 1, execution class CP B2 and inspection class CT2 to demonstrate the required quality.
Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials UNE-EN ISO 3834-2
Lasergran meets the quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials and guarantees quality throughout its process, as well as in welded products through certification in the UNE-EN ISO 3834-2 standard.
Lasergran has the prestigious Qualisteelcoat quality brand to guarantee organic powder coating systems of maximum efficiency, aimed at achieving great protection against corrosion and durability.
Lasergran has demonstrated that it meets the most demanding requirements of the Qualisteelcoat specifications for powder coatings in the corrosivity and durability categories C4H on steel surfaces and C5H on continuously galvanised steel surfaces.
To comply with the periodic controls required by the Qualisteelcoat quality brand, we have our own laboratory where we carry out tests for neutral salt spray NSS (ISO 9227), resistance to direct impact (ISO 6272-1), cross-section (ISO 2409), dry layer thickness (ISO 2808), specular gloss (ISO 2813), colorimetry (ISO 11664-4) and thermography.
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